CentOS 7*64 + Xshell or SecureCRT 1. pwd 2. port 3. cipher -> aes-256-cfb 4. protocol ->origin 5. obfs -> plain change config: To install […]
Object and motion detection on pi pt.1
I am now planning to make full use of my pi to monitor the motions of my turtles since it is now winter and I […]
Extract and delete EXIF data with python
EXIF is ” a standard that specifies the formats for images, sound, and ancillary tags used by digital cameras (including smartphones), scanners and other systems handling image and sound files recorded by digital cameras.”(from […]
Use web crawling to get Baidu Tieba’s post
While now full of shitposting and trolling, Baidu Tieba used to be one of the largest and most used Chinese communication platforms. It kind of […]
WordPress on pi
So previously I have been playing around WordPress on my Raspberry Pi, using Linux+Nginx+MaraiDB(MySQL)+PHP. There are a lot of tutorials available online about LNMP+WordPress. The […]
Previous tiny design
Found some little captures of what I have designed for my previous company’s 社内公募 project proposal. Due to COVID-19 a lot of Japanese companies were […]
Real-time Water Thermostat with Azure IoT pt.2
After the error occurred, I have spent a lot of time debugging, but nothing seemed to be working…until I changed my device ID to ‘rasp’ […]
Real-time Water Thermostat with Azure IoT pt.1
The reason behind this is that these two guys were having health problems. One had shell disease and another caught a cold(or more professionally, respiratory […]